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Summer is a season of growth and exploration—an ideal time to gain an educational edge or bridge knowledge gaps. At Crimson Connections, we've curated summer programs designed to give students a significant advantage, no matter their goals. Dive into our summer offerings and find the perfect fit for you!

  • This program is for ambitious students who are eager to have a greater starting advantage on future class subjects. We will give your students the tools to arrive on the first day of a new academic year prepared and confident. 

  • Some students need extra support in schoolwork from the school year that just ended. Our tutors will make sure your student starts strong in the new school year by closing any gaps in their understanding and shoring up their foundational skills.  

  • Computer science, astronomy, engineering, psychology, languages, and more. If your student wants to explore a subject their school doesn’t offer, we can create a customized summer program dedicated to this new material.

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